Fargesia scabridia
Our favourite Fargesia.
Fine leaved, tight clumping, upright with a lovely soft arching habit towards top of the canes. It can be almost blue-ish at times but with rusty brown culm sheaths and an almost reddish tinge in the sun. Ideal for screening and containers.
Please phone or email us for pricing information.
Our Plants
Below you can see a selection of our favourite and most popular bamboos.
Phyllostachys vivax "Aureacaulis"
A stunning "Timber" Bamboo with beautiful golden canes, that will need restraining in the average garden. Would be considered too big for container planting unless the containers are huge. This example had a sleeper bed and rhizome barrier fitted and the bed was large enough to allow the Bamboo to get giant canes! A firm favourite here! A hardy and attractive - a ornamental form of Chinese timber bamboo - canes have a thin wall which makes it valuable for furniture making and weaving. The fresh green canes grow and mature quickly to form stunning large stems from a relatively early age - especially unusual in a temperate climate, such as the UK. Canes will easily exceed 6 metres tall and stretch to 8 metres in the right conditions while reaching 2 inches in diameter.
The foliage gives a beautiful, faux-tropical effect with large, green drooping leaves set upon delicate branches. The new shoots come up through late spring to early summer with a culm sheath that is a light cream with brown spots. Younger canes gracefully arch with the weight of leaves while the mature large canes will stand straight and proud.
This bamboo is a mighty statement in a larger garden and will form impressive groves if unrestrained, but can be easily used in a smaller setting with the correct preparations.
Available from us in green or as the golden form, aureacaulis, in a range of sizes. We stock "instant impact" plants in pot sizes exceeding 90 litres ready for delivery. Contact us for specifics.
Please phone or email us for pricing information.
Semiarundinaria fastuosa
Another great favourite that cannot be beaten for it’s upright evergreen habit as a screening Bamboo.
This also is beautiful as a stand-alone bamboo feature creating quite the statement. Known as the ‘Stately Bamboo’, it is versatile and although this will make a big clump it is not a runner.
Please phone or email us for pricing information.
Quiongzhuea tumiddisinoda
The Chinese Walking-stick Bamboo.
A truly wonderful specimen of Bamboo with prominent, swollen nodes on its canes. Not for the faint hearted though - this requires a barrier for the smaller garden or in a very large planter to make a statement all on its own.
Please phone or email us for pricing information.
Phyllostachys bambusoides "Holochysa"
We have some beautiful pots of Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Holochrysa' for sale. This is a spectacular Bamboo with possibly the best gold canes in the whole of the Bamboo world and has been awarded the RHS Award of merit!! It also has the loveliest of random striped leaves occasionally too and makes an impressive stand 5-8m tall. It can also look amazing in large planters. Canes will often show a red blush in the sun.
It produces less canes than 'Aureasulcata' and is a more contained plant. It can spread 1-2m a decade and the canes are smooth to the touch.
This is one of the rarer and more beautiful forms of Bambusoides.
Sizes shown and prices as follows:
3lt £37.50
10lt £72.50
50lt specimen £175
Phyllostachys dulcis - Sweetshoot Bamboo.
See this stunning display of Phyllostachys Dulcis "the Sweetshoot Bamboo" below in one of our gardens. Known for its large diameter canes even at a shorter height and smaller clump (eventual height: 35ft and will spread in time so requires either boundary or space).
It creates a beautiful bamboo grove feature and in China is known as the best bamboo for edible bamboo shoots! What's not to like? Available in various sizes with local delivery, contact us to find the plant for you!